Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Harry Potter 5 summary

            This was my harry potter summary that I was going to do for my teacher Mrs. Nilsen.
          So Harry and all the other people like mad-eye Moody are going to go to Sirius's house and Harry potter meets Ron and Hermione. Harry also meets Sirius, Ron's parents, Lupin and Tonks [Tonks  also goes With Harry and mad-eye Moody. ] All the Adults I just listed off went to this top secret meeting talking about Voldemort and a so called secret weapon he is planning to unleash and Harry want's to jump into all the conversation while Hermione and Ginny are so jealous they cant listen. Harry finds out all about Voldemort's secret weapon and a lot more about Voldemort coming  back. The next afternoon Harry meets the rude and disrespectful house elf Kreacher who is serving Sirius Black. Sirius is mostly Bossing the house elf around and I can see why. Kreacher goes out of the room and Harry and Sirius talk for some of the chapter about Sirius running away from home, Sirius Related to the Malfoy's, his younger brother joining the death eaters and getting killed be Voldemort and the rest you can figure out until I type my next summary. see you later : )


  1. Hey Derek! that's so cool that you have a blog!
    Love, Grandma

  2. nice derek your ceeping up with your blog I like it.
    from ,lauren
